Sunday, May 16, 2010

Carbon footprint results

Bete reports from São Paulo, Brazil:
Hi, I just calculated my carbon footprint. It came up to 8.71. The English website works well for Brazil. It said the average for industrialized countries was 11. Does that mean that the US is double that average? I am of course way above Brazil's average. But need to work a lot to get to the global target.
This is very interesting. Bete
Greta reports from Bethlehem, PA:
I calculated my footprint with the US version of, the short test, and scored 11.37, which is low for the US but high for the rest of the world. Yes, Bete, the average US carbon footprint is double that of the other industrialized countries. 
I hope to use a couple of the other tests to see if there are significant differences. I plan to do so before the end of the month.
Anyone else ready to report?

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